Osvalds Zebris
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Osvalds Zebris’s Pre-Festival Interview
Osvalds Zebris (1975) is a Latvian writer and journalist, holding a Masters degree in Economics. Zebris has worked in public relations and communications and as an editor for various newspapers and magazines. His first book – a collection of short stories Freedom in Nets brought him instant popularity among readers and won him the Annual Latvian Literary Award for best début (2010). In the Shadow of Rooster Hill was written and published for the historical novel series We. Latvia. The 20th Century, set in 1905 when the country was part of the Russian Empire. It won the European Union Prize for Literature and is being translated into eight languages. The novel People of the Wooden House (2013) tells a mystery of a strange wooden house in one of the oldest neighbourhoods of Riga; the wooden house is a breathing character in the story, affecting people living in it and initiating various mysteries. Osvalds Zebris is a member of the Latvian Writers’ Union.