Drago Jančar
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Drago Jančar’s Pre-Festival Interview
Slovenia’s most prominent author, Jančar has been described as “the seismologist of a chaotic history”. Born in Maribor, Slovenia, 1948, he studied law, and has worked as journalist, editor and freelance writer. In l985, he stayed in the U.S.A. as a Fulbright fellow, and in l988 in Germany. His novels and short stories have been translated and published into many European languages and in the U.S.A., His dramas have also seen a number of foreign productions. In 2003 he was awarded the Herder Prize for literature. His many awards also include the Hemingway Prize (Lignano, Italy 2009), Le Prix Européen de Littérature (Strasbourg 2011, Prix du Meilleur livre étranger/Prize for the best foreign book – I Saw Her That Night) and the Austrian State Prize for European Literature (Salzburg 2020).