David Wagner
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David Wagner’s Pre-Festival Interview
David Wagner was born in 1971, and has lived in Berlin since 1991. His prize-winning debut Meine nachtblaue Hose (My Night-Blue Trousers) was published in 2000, and his novel Vier Äpfel (Four Apples) was long-listed for the German Book Prize. His best-selling novel, Leben (Life) won the 2013 Leipzig Book Fair Prize and the Best Foreign Novel of the Year Award 2014 in the People’s Republic of China. He was Friedrich Dürrenmatt Guest Professor for World Literature at University Bern and his books have been translated into 16 languages. He has written extensively about the city of Berlin in collections such as Mauer Park and Welche Farbe hat Berlin (What Colour Is Berlin). His most recent novel Der vergessliche Riese (The forgetful giant) won the Bayerische Literaturpreis 2019. Lives and Four Apples have been published in China by People’s Literature Publishing House, translated by Yan Le. Lives won the Best Foreign Book Award in China in 2014.