Gábor T. Szántó
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Gábor T. Szántó’s Pre-Festival Interview
Gábor T. Szántó is a Hungarian novelist, essayist and screenplay writer (Budapest 1966). He holds a degree in law and political science from Eötvös Loránd University Budapest and studied Aesthetics and Judaic Studies. Szántó is the editor-in-chief of the Hungarian Jewish monthly Szombat. His additional field of interest is researching and teaching Modern Jewish Literature. He published several novels, collections of short stories and a book of poetry. His novella (Mószer) was published in German as In Schuld verstrickt (1999) and a volume of short stories (Обратный билет – Obratnij Bilet) came out in Russian (2008). His novel Kafka’s Cats was published in Turkish (2018) and in Czech (2020). One of his short stories (1945, Homecoming) has been developed into a feature film entitled 1945, directed by Hungarian film director Ferenc Török. Szántó was one of the screenwriters of the film, which has won 20 international awards and has been sold into 40 countries. This volume will soon come out in Italian and Chinese (2021). His recent novel is Európa szimfónia (Europe Symphony). M&M Film has reserved the rights to make a film of this novel.