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Global Voices, Local Stories:Literature connects World

Event Review Global Voices, Local Stories:Literature connects World

时间:11月25日,周日,17:00 – 18:30
Time: November 25th , Sunday, 17:00-18:30
Venue: Yan Ji You Bookstore
作家/Writers: Antonis Georgiou (塞浦路斯/Cyprus), 陈崇正/Chen Chongzheng中国/China), Pierre Mejlak (马耳他/Malta), 旧海棠/ Jiu Haitang中国/China).
主持人/Moderator: 黄惊涛/Huang Jingtao (中国/China)


The last event of The 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival with the theme of global voices, local stories was held successfully in November 25th at Yan Ji You Bookstore. Four writers from Cyprus, Malta and China had joined the event to discuss how their works get globalized.


At the beginning of the event, moderator Huang Jingtao quiped that he considered himself a global citizen because he stayed up late to watch football match and therefore he has the same schedule as the Western Hemisphere people’s. Writers were global as well because they also have to stay up late to write, The moderator’s joke made all people smile with pleasure and the atmosphere was lively.


After the introductions by four writers, the moderator asked them: “ How you do write local stories to touch the global readers and get your works globalized?


Jiu Haitang answered the question at first. She claimed that as a human being, what she feels about everything already belongs to the world connected with the globalization. She focused on her feelings about time. One of the theme reflected in her works was reincarnation. She concerned about how individuals at their period from the ancient time to the present found connection with the past. She also mentioned her life in a village in a mountain in Fujian Province. The village was remote and therefore able to preserve its original appearance. She said:“ I get to know how families in the village multiply themselves, how individuals lead their lives and face relationship problems and think about future. Speaking of globalization, I am wondering how to express life as an individual and connect what I express with others.

接着,作家Pierre Mejlak进行了分享。他认为人类的感情是全球化的。他主要写的也是关于人类的感情,比如一个思念妻子的可怜人儿。他说他的创作是不会按照别人的想法去创作的,而是只写感动自己的故事,相信这些故事也能感动和他有同样价值观的读者。最后他总结:“ 虽然每个人的文化背景不同,但生活打动每个人的方式是一样的,那就是情感。人类都会有害怕,快乐,相爱的时刻,这种情感就是全球化的。

And then, Pierre Mejlak asserted that human’s feeling is global. This is also what he writes about, like a poor guy missing his wife. He said he did not write according to what others like bur write to move himself and others who share the same value with him. At last, he concluded: “ Although we are from different cultures, the way how life touches us is the same. That is the feeling. Humans all feel afraid, happy and loved at some time. Such kinds of feelings are global.

作家Antonis Georgiou 对作家Pierre Mejlak的观点表示认可。他说他之前接触过许多作家朋友,发现他们的作品大多数与生,死和爱有关。虽然这些作家的写作手法不同,例如有些作家会尝试满足读者的口味,但最终还是在书写作家自己的个性。他平常就经常写个体的故事,观察人们如何应对各种事件,然后从中获取灵感。他说:”我的身边有很多出彩的故事,我关心的是如何表达出来。”
Antonis Georgiou agreed with Pierre Mejlak. He said he found most of the works written by his friends were associated with death, birth and love. Although his friends wrote in different ways, for example some tried to satisfy their readers, they at last expressed their individuality. Antonis Georgiou often wrote individual’s story and observed how people respond to different accidents to gain inspiration. He said: “ Many brilliant stories happen around. What I think of is how to narrate them.”


The last one to share is Chen Chongzheng. He talked about globalization in the context of the Chinese literary circle. He believed that literature has been global long time ago in China. For example, he found two thirds of his book is foreign literature when he tidied his books. He also thought that Chinese writers have been writing drawing lessons from foreign literature and they were influenced by some translation of foreign literature.


He also mentioned about the issue of localization. He said: “ I have been writing about my hometown Chaozhou, but I write in virtual reality narratives, which is indirect.” He hoped he can use his imagination to decode or interpret his hometown. He also introduced his work the Art of Folding, Body Separation of Black Mirror which was full of his fancy imagination.


After their sharing, the moderator also shared his opinion to us. He believed that since we read globally wide, our spirit is global. After the sharing, he asked two writers a question: “ Does Chinese literature influence you? What’s your view about Chinese literature?”

作家Pierre Mejlak回答了这个问题,他告诉大家他阅读了中国很多近代文献和翻译过来的中国作品。但是他很遗憾地表示他阅读的数量不多,不是因为没有办法去读这些作品,是因为太忙了。他在阅读时有注意到其中展现出来的风土人情,但是他更关注的是人物内心的想法。作家Antonis Georgiou也遗憾地说他对中国的作品阅读较少。他认为中国作品的对外推广和宣传还可以加强。

Pierre Mejlak answered that he had read some pieces of Chinese current literature and translations of Chinese works, but he regretted that he didn’t read a lot. It was not because he could not access them, but he was too busy. He noticed local customs and conditions reflected in Chinese literature, but what he concerned more was what Chinese people though about something. Antonis Georgiou also regretted that he did not read a lot of Chinese literature. He suggested that the promotion of Chinese literature could be enhanced.


Jiu Haitang also though so. She claimed that there was no literary agent in China like that in foreign countries. How Chinese literature is exported into other countries is different from how we introduce foreign literature. Our culture export is in passive state.

作家们的发言基本结束了,接下来是问答环节。其中有一位读者问了一个有趣的问题,她说自己在看Pierre Mejlak的作品时,觉得 “狗屎”出现在文中十分有趣,提问作家这背后是否有什么深意?Pierre Mejlak表示 “狗屎”在他的作品里没有什么特殊的含义,只是书中老男人遇到的众多糟心的事情之一罢了。还有一位读者向Antonis Georgiou 询问他是如何在繁忙的律师工作中找到时间进行写作的。作家回答他在工作中大量阅读别人的案例和故事启发了他的写作。他也只是工作结束后尽量抽时间写作。

Q& A session. One of the audience asked an interesting question that she wanted to know whether Pierre Mejlak has any purpose to wrote about dogshit in his work. She thought it was interesting. The writer answered: “ No.” He said that it was merely one of many unfortunate things that old man encountered. And another reader asked Antonis Georgiou how he managed to find time writing while he was occupied by his work as a lawyer. The writer answered that he could know many stories from his cases to get inspiration. He just tried his best to squeeze time to write after work.

The moderator eventually said: “ No matter globalization or localization, literature is to bring lonely souls together and let them find each other in the literature world. Writers are looking for readers. Readers are looking for writers.”

Literature connects the world and all human beings.