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Rosary, by Rafał Kosik

Rafał Kosik
“Very well, let’s start at the beginning. Let’s go back to the moment when the system began working in the main police station in the Warsaw Ring. Similar systems were already functioning in several other cities. g.A.I.a. was designed for diagnostic purposes, so it wasn’t necessary to supervise the quality of internal procedures. The programme installed on the police server was meant to help police in supervising former inmates, identified by psychologists as potential threats to society. It analysed all available data from their previous lives, with specific consideration of events that could cause lasting psychological damage. It’s been known for many years that a child that’s regular beaten by its parents will more readily use violence in adult life. A young person who falls into bad company will always remain vulnerable to certain temptations.
“Initially the number of PZ points for types of incidents was imposed, but the programme was soon allowed to modify them flexibly and independently. After the integration of g.A.I.a. with citywide monitoring and private CCTV networks the quantity of data flowing in surpassed the staff’s capabilities. People began to limit and slow down AI. Operational supervision by humans was given up and all that was left was random checks. That was the moment g.A.I.a. acquired real power, although no one suspected that yet. At that time, it was only one of the municipal security systems – and not even the most important one. Mimer – a body-language analysing programme – was uncovering several times more crimes every week. The disadvantage was its digital precognition time – it was only able to predict crimes a few minutes or even a few seconds before they happened. It swiftly turned out that combining the two systems brought nothing but advantages. At first, they worked together, but a month hadn’t gone by before the more effective g.A.I.a. absorbed the simple Mimer and began using it as its own tool. Over the course of a year, all the smart prophylactic systems had become sub-programmes of g.A.I.a., and over the course of the next five years similar systems from other cities became spontaneously integrated. Even Manfred – a traffic-directing system – became part of g.A.I.a. An exchange of information considerably increased the precision of defining PZ. At a certain moment we realised that a single common g.A.I.a. was operating in every city. PZ became a very dynamic variable. Tabular data could no longer deal with the complexity of analytical processes and under pressure of public opinion – which always valued security – g.A.I.a. became free of the responsibility of storing data in a way that was comprehensible to people. In the rings where the authorities didn’t agree to change it happened anyway. Unofficially. The relational database collapsed into an apparently chaotic contextual data base, and then into a dynamic structure which the human mind was incapable of grasping. That wasn’t regarded as a problem, because the results were better and better, and anyway, after the Transformation security became a priority.”
Translated by David French
Rafał Kosik
由 David French译作英文