Teresa Präauer
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Teresa Präauer’s Pre-Festival Interview
Teresa Präauer (fiction writer, essayist, visual artist) is the author of the novels Oh Schimmi (2016), Johnny und Jean (2014) and Für den Herrscher aus Übersee (For the Emperor from Overseas) (2012), which received the aspekte prize for best German-language prose debut of 2012, as well as the long essay Tier werden (Becoming Animal) (2018). In 2015 she was shortlisted for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize, in 2017 she received the prestigious Erich Fried Prize. She regularly publishes on the subjects of poetry, theatre, pop culture and fine arts, contributes to radio-broadcasting and teaches at several universities from time to time. Her book Das Glück ist eine Bohne (Happiness is a Bean), a collection of short prose, essays and stories, will be published in spring 2021.