Czech Republic – Monika Zgustova
Monika Zgustova born in Prague, she lives in Barcelona since the 1980s. Writer, translator and journalist, Zgustova has worked for newspapers such as El País, The Nation and The Wall Street Journal. She has translated into Spanish and Catalan more than sixty Russian and Czech works by Bohumil Hrabal, Jaroslav Hašek, Václav Havel, Milan Kundera, Anna Ajmátova and Marina Tsvetáieva, among others.
Book Cover of La mujer silenciosa
Book Cover of La noche de Valia
She is the author of the novels La mujer silenciosa (The Silent Woman), considered one of the five best novels of 2005; La noche de Valia (Valia’s night), winner of the 2014 Amat-Piniella Award for Best Novel of the Year; Las Rosas de Stalin (Roses from Stalin) (2016);
(The Intruder) (2018); Vestidas para un baile en la nieve (Dressed for a dance in the snow), counted among the 75 Notable Books in Translation by World Literature Today; Un revólver para salir de noche (A Gun for Going out at Night) (2019).
Book Cover of Las Rosas de Stalin
Book Cover of La intrusa
Book Cover of
Vestidas para un baile en la nieve
Her work is translated into ten languages and has been recognized by the City of Barcelona Award, the Ángel Crespo Prize, the Cálamo Award for Best Novel of the Year and the Mercé Rodoreda Award.
Writing Sample: Dressed for a dance in the snow
Interview | Monika Zgustova