The Writers Lie Within: learning about humanity and life
The Writers Lie Within: learning about humanity and life
时间:11月25日,周日,14:00 – 15:30
Time: November 25, Sunday, 14:00 – 15:30
Venue: Shuter Life
作家/Writers: Diana Evans (英国/United Kingdom), Mathilde Walter Clark (丹麦/Denmark), 王十月/Wang Shiyue(中国/ China),郑小琼/Zheng Xiaoqiong(中国 / China).主持人/Moderator:张鸿/Zhang Hong(中国/China)
The seventh event of The 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival was held on December 25 in Shuter Life, Guangzhou. In theme of “The Writers Lie Within”, four writers from China, United Kingdom and Denmark were invited to discuss their own opinions about “The Writers Lie Within” and how to write based on learning about humanity and life.
本场活动我们邀请到了英国作家Diana Evans,其处女作《26a》被译成13种语言在全世界范围畅销;丹麦作家Mathilde Walter Clark, 至今出版了四部热销小说,两部故事集和多篇散文;艺术家、作家及鲁迅文学奖得主王十月,来自湖北,作品被译成多国语言;人民文学奖得主郑小琼,四川人。主持人是作家、编辑兼策展人张鸿。
We were joined by Diana Evans from the UK, whose debut novel 26a has been translated into 13 languages around the world; Mathilde Walter Clark who has already published four successful novels, who story collections and numerous essays; artist, writer and Lu Xun Literature Prize-Winner Wang Shiyue, originally from Hubei, whose writing has been translated into several languages around the world; and People’s Literature Award-winning poet, originally from Sichuan, Zheng Xiaoqiong, in conversation with writer, editor and curator Zhang Hong.
After the self-introduction by four writers, Ms. Zhang Hong invited them to discuss whether other writers have a great influence on their writing. They also talked about their views on humanity.
Diana Evans女士表示托尔斯泰等作家对她的影响很大,对她的第三本书也产生了具大的影响。她写的故事主要是关于伦墩的一些现实的问题,她认为作为一个作家,有责任帮助人们认识社会上的一些种族或性别不平等的问题。她还提及,她的家庭是尼日利亚和英国家庭的结合,虽然她的母亲很小就去到英国,在伦墩住了50多年,可她身上还是存在着很明显的尼日利亚的色彩,她也觉得这是民族色彩的一种体现,在她身上也得以体现,她觉得这是十分重要的。人性是一个很大也很好的问题。在她塑造角色的时候,她经常会想如何体现人性的一面。她也很高兴她笔下的人物都是立体的,丰满的。人物既有坚韧的一面,也会有脆弱的一面。而正是这脆弱的一面体现了人性。
Diana Evans said that Tolstoy and other famous writers truly had a great influence on her and also her third book. Her stories were mainly about some real problems in London. She believed that a writer have the responsibilities to help people learn about some issues on racial or sexual inequality. She added that, her father was an English. And her mother was a Nigerian. Although her mom moved to London when she was young and lived there for about 50 years, but the features of Nigerian culture, a demonstration of racial features, could be seen on her. She also mentioned that, humanity was a good issue to be discussed. When she shaped a feature, she would often considered how to show the humanity. She was also delighted that her figures were all vivid. The figures she wrote sometimes had their own strong points and also their weak points. And it was exactly these weak points that showcased the humanity of people.
Mathilde Walter Clark女士认为写作对她而言是一件私人的事情,作者把自己内心的想法感受表达出来,是作者内心对外界的一种映射,因而其他作家对她的影响并没有那么大。每个作家内心都会对世界有一些悲悯,死亡有一定的距离,作家可以通过写作,语言来应对这种局面。安徒生童话在丹麦已经成为了一种文化,这必然会影响到丹麦的写作,而她的写作也在一定程度上受到了安徒生童话的影响。她的一本书中童话部分的创作就是一个很好的例子。书的主要内容是关于一对夫妻,做捕鱼生意。可有一天,妻子变成了一条鱼,丈夫纠结于到底是把这鱼做成产品还是将其放生。她还补充到这位妻子的原形是她在鱼店遇到的一位女主人。这位女主人发型就像鱼骨一样以及像鱼一样的走路姿态引起了作家的注意。她猜想可能是由于长期生活在鱼店,长期接触这类事物,女主人受到了这方面的影响。Clark女士表示想要真正了解所想了解人物的内心心理,需要了解其背后的生活经历及背景,对其放手。
Mathilde Walter Clark believed that writing was a very personal thing for her. She argued that authors expressed their feelings through writing, which was a reflection of their thoughts about the outside world. So other writers might not have such a big influence on her writing. She also held the belief that every author could stand in awe of the unknown world and death. Authors could cope with this kind of thinking and feeling by writing. Andersen fairy tale had become a kind of culture, which must have influenced Danish writing. And her writing was also influenced by Andersen fairy tale. One of her book was mainly about a couple. They made a living by fishing. But one day, the wife became a fish. And the husband had no ideas about whether to use the fish to make some products or gave the fish freedom. She mentioned that she was inspired by a hostess in a fish shop to write the story. When Mathilde first encountered the hostess, her hairstyle was just like a fishbone and walked like a fish. Mathilde guessed maybe it was because she dealt with fish every day and was influenced by fish gradually. Mathilde Walter Clark added that if we wanted to learn about the real thoughts of people, we should learn about their backgrounds.
Zheng Xiaoqiong showed that beginners in writing should read a lot of books to improve his or her writing skills. When she worked in factories, she rarely had time to go to libraries or buy some books. One of her teachers, however, sent a large number of books to her. She was very grateful for her teacher. She also believed that authors would be greatly influenced by their life. When she had no writing inspiration, she would read some poems to express her feelings. She also read two poems, which were mainly about her life in factories. She read them to show that she missed her hometown a lot and that authors’ writing was deeply influenced by their life experience. She also mentioned some thoughts about her working experience in factories. People had different names for migrant workers. The names reflected people’s discrimination against migrant workers. As the number of migrant workers increased, this kind of discrimination had decreased. But it still exited. The poems about migrant workers and their life were exactly a good way for this group of people to express their feelings and thoughts.
Wang Shiyue also showed that he was a big fan of Tolstoy. He believed that, authors could be divided into two kinds. For the normal writers, they devoted their whole life to becoming a great writer; for the great writers, they are born with the talent of writing well. Tolstoy and Qu Yuan were both great writers. He also added that, like Qu Yuan, he was also born in Jingzhou, Hubei Province. Inspired by the culture of Chu dynasty, he was endowed with a fantastic imagination. He also mentioned that, he didn’t do well in trading stocks. But he found that, the core of trading stocks was “selling at the highest point and retaining at the lowest point”. To comply with this principle, people need to overcome two weak points of humanity, including greed and fear. He added that, he couldn’t overcome them. And he wanted to let the figures he wrote to be tested and trained by these two points.
Hostess Zhang Hong finally concluded that every writer need to be his or herself, which was necessary for them to shape their own unique writing style.
(邓斯婷 报道| 邓斯婷 翻译)
(Covered by Deng Siting, translated by Deng Siting)