In the Name of Love: Art from Stories, Stories from Memories
In the Name of Love: Art from Stories, Stories from Memories
时间:11月20日,周二,19:00 – 20:30
Time: November 20, Tuesday, 19:00 – 20:30
Venue: Fangsuo Commune
作家/Writers: Antonis Georgious (塞浦路斯/Cyprus), 黄礼孩/Huang Lihai(中国/China), Mathilde Walter Clark (丹麦/Denmark),王哲珠/Wang Zhezhu(中国/China)
The first event of The 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival was held on December 20 in Fangsuo Commune, Guangzhou. In theme of “Memories, Stories and Art”, four writers from China, Cyprus and Denmark were invited to share their original intention of writing and to discuss how to utilize their own and others’ experiences in the creation of works of art and make them become nascent entities.
本场活动邀请到了欧盟文学奖得主、塞浦路斯作家Antonis Georgious,诗人、散文家、鲁迅文学艺术奖得主黄礼孩,丹麦作家、散文家Mathilde Walter Clark,及短篇小说家王哲珠。主持人为树冠文化创办人、作家黄惊涛。
We were joined by European Union Prize for Literature winner Antonis Georgious (Cyprus); poet, essayist and Lu Xun Literature and Art Award winner Huang Lihai (China); author and essayist Mathilde Walter Clark (Denmark); and short story writer and novelist Wang Zhezhu (China), in conversation with Huang Jingtao, author and founder of Canopy Culture and Future Literature Studio.
After the self-introduction by four writers, Mr. Huang Jingtao invited them to share their original intention of writing and to discuss how to write from the perspectives of memories, stories and art,
Mr. Huang Lihai mentioned that, “All writings start from memories, then are composed to stories and finally become pieces of art.” He brought out that writing was based on love. He introduced both the well-known Chinese love story – “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (The Butterfly Lovers)” and the famous Cypriot story “Pygmalion”. He creatively presented that human beings had three faces of love when they were in deep love, when they faithfully prayed for God, and when they wrote about love as writers. Despite countless sufferings, love was the ultimate topic of mankind.
Antonis非常欣赏黄礼孩先生讲述皮格马利翁的故事。他补充道,他的写作大多基于现实生活中自己或他人的经历,许多小事在心中积淀,最终在写作中在脑海中浮现。虽然他人的经历是异己的,但最终都会内化成自己的故事。他还提到:“文学并不只是关乎情节,还关乎讲述情节的方式和讲述故事的语言。”所以他在一开始写短篇小说时,会尝试用不同于自己的性别、年龄、甚至是社会地位的角度来写作。所以他鼓励大家:“ 其实周边发生的所有事情都能从自己的作品中直接或间接地表达出来。”
Antonis appreciated a lot the story of Pygmalion by Mr. Huang Lihai. He added that most of his works were based on his own or others’ experiences. Those experiences were accumulated in his heart and would eventually emerge in his head in the process of writing. Although some experiences was exotic to him, he would assimilate them into his own memories. He put forward that, “literature is not only about plots but also about how things were told or in what language things were told.” Thus in his early time of writing, he tried to write from the perspectives that differed from his gender, age, or even social status and so on. He appealed to describe things around us in our works directly and indirectly.
Mathilde agreed with what Mr. Huang Lihai said – “the ground of everything is love.” She supplemented her own understanding to this idea. She elaborately explained her father’s influence on her entrance to literature. She was born and raised in Denmark while her father was an American. Due to the barriers of language and distance, she didn’t communicate with her father, mostly nonverbal communication, until she was 11 years old. Her memory about her love for her father proved that literature was based on experiences and love. In her opinion, when she was too young to build her language system, she started her literary creation.
Ms. Wang Zhezhu also introduced her childhood experiences as a proof that love is the fundamental element of writing. She said, “children are totally exposed themselves to the world.” She was born and bred in the countryside. She started to cherish the memory there after leaving the countryside when she grew up. These memories became the subjects in her early works. She paid more attention to the attachment to the country life and escape from it by people like her as well as the acceptance of urbanites towards these people. She witnessed the whole process of change and became a part of it. That’s why she couldn’t get rid of involving her own emotions into her works. Inevitable as it was, she then gave up limiting her self and focused more on her own thoughts.
The discussion of love by the four writers warmed up the atmosphere and everything was in harmony. Mr. Huang Jingtao then mentioned that literature came from experiences. Different experiences led to the difference in literary works, which created distinct beauty. Therefore, literature highlighted differentiation. However, with the trend of globalization, everything was converging, so did literature. Then how could we preserve the differentiation of literature?
Antonis 强调一定要写出真实。一定要用真实的笔触表现自己和他人的故事。这样的创作虽然不一定能解决问题,但能引人思考。Mathilde也表达了写出自己感受的重要性。黄礼孩先生则生动地把写作比作指纹,是独一无二的。王哲珠女士表示,每人都是独立的个体,“最重要的是有没有真正的打开自我,有没有接受这个世界”。
Antonis emphasized the importance of writing truth. We must write about the stories of our own and others in true words. Writing in this way may not solve problems though, it could lead readers to think. Mathilde also underlined the significance of expressing feelings. Mr. Huang Lihai vividly compared writing to fingerprint which was unique. Ms. Wang Zhezhu explained that everyone is an individual and “what matters most is whether you truly open your heart and completely accept this world.”
During the Q&A section, writers exchanged lots of ideas with the audience. Mathilde explained the relations between writing and emotion. As far as she was concerned, writing had to take emotion into consideration, which is to evaluate whether the emotion was needed in a particular process of writing. If not, writers had to control the emotions and shield the works from their influence. Ms. Wang Zhezhu briefly talked about the shock brought by modern technologies. She encouraged everyone to keep finding the dignity and irreplaceability of mankind. Antonis told novels from diaries. He highlighted the importance of memories towards storytelling. Mr. Huang JIngtao and Ms. Mathilde encouraged one of the immature writers to keep on writing regardless of failures or doubts. Mr. Huang JIngtao said, “writing is not to guide others but to guide yourself.” Mr. Huang Lihai also instructed that – “Writing is a process of self-cultivation and self-redemption. The accumulation of the all knowledge of life supports writing.” At last, he made it concise that we needed to read, write, think, and experience the broader society and life.
Finally, Mr. Huang Jingtao concluded that, “literature is the art of yesterday and all literary works are for the reoccurrence of old memories.” Each writer was a translator who translate what he or she saw, heard, though, dreamed of to words for readers. Undoubtedly, no one would translate in the same way, but everyone has a unique understanding. This sharing meeting was a great success.
(张蔚雯 报道| 张蔚雯 翻译)
(Covered by Zhang Weiwen, translated by Zhang Weiwen)