Experience empathy not just on the page but also at 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival Shenzhen
首先,当获丹麦艺术基金会杰出三年学术奖的Mathilde Walter Clark被问及写作缘由时,她谈到多为个人经历,比如最新力作《孤夜星辰》是由继父逝世而回忆起与父母亲的时光,因此本书写的是一对父女及关系疏离的种种故事,关于家庭,归属及漫长距离的超越。苏州市作家协会副主席朱文颖也表示写作可以说是当命运来敲门。曾与非犹太人却写《辛德勒名单》的澳大利亚作家托马斯交流的她感慨,死亡并不是每个人可以理解,但是通过有能力感知微妙的作家就可以让更多人理解,可见同理心对于作家的重要性。
也是第一次来到深圳的波兰记者Wojciech Jagielski,因报道世界上最混乱冲突的地区而闻名。他表示真正意义上的写作开始于选择在战地留下来做记者写书,混乱冲突的环境挑战的确让他感受到什么是真正的战争以及战争受害者的生活。至于主持人提及位于波兰的奥斯维辛集中营,他意识到生活在和平时代已久的波兰人民,虽然当时不是主角,但是应该已经忘记战争了。
获鲁迅文学奖等多项文学奖的邓一光有幸读过Mathilde Walter Clark的新作,并且也写过同题材的书因此非常理解她所说的。一方面表示对于现代人逐渐失去传统同理心的尴尬,同时对波兰记者去到战地寻找同理心表示敬意。刚完成关于战争的长篇的他,提到如果不是写作,应该无人记住过去,如果没有同理心,则无人传递历史,因此需要写作,可见写作对于同理心的意义。
Experience empathy not just on the page
but also at 3rd EU-China International Literary Festival Shenzhen
Nowadays , people seem hard to trust or understand each other including readers and writers. Can writing help about this and how ? Why it is important for writers to have empathy? Based on the topic of empathy on the page, the first salon of EU-China International Literary Festival at Shenzhen Yan Ji You bookstore on 23rd November might give you answers.
“ In Poland, we have forgot the war since we lived in a peaceful world” . Wojciech Jagielski ,the Polish writer who has spent most of his career in some of the worst conflict zones on the planet realized so and chose to be a journalist and writer.He witnessed “what is the war about and how is the victim’s life about”. Since the moderator mentioned about Auschwitz, he remembered he visited there as a student but not his son’s generation anymore.
Deng Yiguang, a Chinese multiple award-winning writer of Mongolian ethnicity appreciates Wojciech‘s empathy. When mentioning the long stories he just finished, he thinks if there is no writing or empathy about this war then probably nobody would remember or know it, so you can see it is meaningful to write for this.
When asked about how to start writing, Mathide Walter Clark,an author and essayist who had a transatlantic upbringing with a Danish mother and an American father took her latest work Lone Star as example, saying it started because of personal incident. Her stepfather’s past brought her memory of the separation among families.
Zhu Wenying, a widely translated author and curator originally from shanghai agreed with the idea of personal experience and highlighted Wojciech Jagielski’s. She once wondered why Thomas as a Australian would write Schindler’s List and realized writers who are the talented people able to sense many things easily and let more people understand therefore it is vital for writers to have empathy.
At Q&A section, a teacher and a literature lover asked about suggestions on how to help teenagers have empathy through reading, Wojciech Jagielski encourages them to travel more and experience the real world by themselves more although virtual world could be interesting. Deng Yiguang also commented that literature isn’t the only way for people to understand each other more.